Meet the Reviewers

We are The Blogger Girls, made up of a couple of friends who just like to read and have fun. We’re random, loud, blunt and definitely bitches. We’ll post reviews, giveaways, interviews and whatever else strikes our fancy. We’ll keep it real with honest reviews of books we either bought ourselves or as an ARC for a genuine review.

Meet The Blogger Girls:

Heather C a.k.a. Monkey

Heather CHi, my name is Heather C.  I’m a Clinical Nursing Informaticist by day and voracious smut reader by night. In other words…I’m a Registered Nurse with a fancy desk job and lover of romance novels.

I have been reading for as long as I can remember! I’ve read through all kinds of genres, but since I discovered M/M Romance several years ago this is basically where I live now. I do try to read some M/F Paranormal Romances or Urban Fantasies every few months just to keep up with some of my favorite series. The M/M Romance community is amazing and I’ve found many friends for life here.

I don’t consider myself picky, although I have friends who tend to disagree. Maybe a better word would be ‘moody’, since I can pretty much ready anything as long as I’m in the right mood for it. I prefer plot before porn and I LOVE lots of sexual tension.  My two favorite tropes are gay-for-you and friends-to-lovers. And I love a good mystery.  Lately, I’ve been devouring M/M historical romances like crazy!

Just call me “HC”…there are too many other crazy Heathers in this world.

Find her on Goodreads & Twitter! Or take a look at her reviews!

JustJen a.k.a. Filly

Jen's AviHi, I’m Jen.  I’ve been book crazy since I could read, working my way through many genres until finally settling down with mm a few years ago.  When I’m not reading, I’m working at a law firm or playing with my horses.  I will read just about anything, though my tastes generally run a little more on the darker side.  I tend to stay away from sweet romances and anything with children in them.  Thankfully, I have a few friends who love those, so I just give them my share.  I’ve been a fan of paranormal from way back, and it has carried over to my love of mm.  I love military stories, and stories with damaged characters, as I don’t like my characters to have everything so easily.

For the darker side of things, I like BDSM, as well as many things that most people generally find uncomfortable reading.  I love hot alpha males, especially together, and I tend to steer clear of the twinks.  I don’t often enjoy historical, YA or sci-fi, especially m-preg, but everything else is pretty much fair game.

I write my reviews based on how well the story read for me, how it made me feel while reading it, and how badly I want to read a follow up or something else by that particular author.  I always try to write fair and constructive reviews and hope that everyone enjoys and appreciates the same.

Find her on Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter & BookLikes! Or take a look at her reviews!

Nikyta a.k.a. Kitten

Nikyta's AviI’m a shy, quiet 23 year old from South  Florida who hates the heat. My life revolves around school, work and  reading, even though I never picked up a book unless it was required  for school, until a few years ago. Once I discovered the joy of reading, I became addicted to all things words.

I became a reviewer a few years ago to help me sort out my feelings for each book I read. My tastes range  from contemporary to fantasy, short and sweet to downright naughty and  everything in between but what I like largely depends on the mood I’m in but my preferred genre is fantasy or paranormal. I’m one of those rare readers that prefers no sex. I don’t like cheating, sharing or open relationships and rarely will I read a ménage but if there’s a ginger, some kidnapping or just a good old fashion arranged marriage, then count me in!!

Find her on Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter & BookLikes! Or take a look at her reviews!

Susan65 a.k.a. Cougar

Susan's Avi

Hi, I’m Susan,  I am an airport manager by day and an avid M/M reader by night. Work definitely puts a crimp into my reading addiction, but at the same time, I love what I do and couldn’t imagine one without the other. I started reading romance novels as a teenager. Kathleen Woodiwiss was my idol, and I’ve read and loved everything she put out. Shanna still ranks as one of my all time favorite stories. I rarely read M/F anymore but still do on occasion.

My favorite stories are the ones that are filled with emotions. The more angst the better, as long as it enhances the story and doesn’t drag it out.  I love stories with turmoil and real-life issues: such as cheating, scarred or damaged men, hurt-comfort, etc, and I don’t want their love to be fast or easy.  I want my men to work for it. The more work, the better.

I am not a huge fan of YA, even though I have read a few that are phenomenal. I also prefer to not read anything too fluffy; unless it’s short and after a particularly angsty, dark read…and that’s just to cleanse my palate and to get myself ready for the next course of issues. With that being said, I surprisingly am not into extreme BDSM. I just don’t understand the draw so I prefer to leave it to the ones who do.

When I review, I try not to summarize or give away spoilers. My goal is to review the actual writing style and content honestly and without deducting for actions that occur in the story that the blurb warned about in advance. One of my biggest peeves is when a person gives a book a one star rating because it had cheating, or a ménage, or because it had a female in the story, instead of actually reviewing the story on its own merit and without putting in their own hang ups. Real life happens, and I love to read about it. If all stories were about insta-love and fluff, I would go back to reading historical M/F.

Find her on Goodreads & Facebook! Or take a look at her reviews!

Meet Our Guest Reviewers!

Ami –

Hi, my name is Ami, 30-something Indonesian. I have loved books since forever. When I was younger, the best birthday presents I received from others would be books that I had not yet owned. My reading activity dwindled few years ago until I discovered M/M romance genre and Kindle. These days, I read solely on ebooks (instant gratification!) and I could read up to 2-4 novel-length books a week, depending on my mood and activity.
Currently, my reading taste ranges from contemporary romance (either M/M or M/F), urban fantasy and paranormal, historical (M/M only though), and mystery/thriller — the last one being my first introduction to good books (ah, the good old days of Agatha Christie, Sherlock Holmes, and Erle Stanley Gardner!). My favorite tropes when it comes to romance are “second chances / reunited lovers” and “best friends to lovers”. Specifically for M/F contemporary, I am also a sucker for small-town romance. There’s something about the closeness of small community around the heroine and hero that just gets to me.
I admit I’m pretty picky in things I like to read in a story and I don’t feel bad in DNF-ing book before half-way through if I just can’t click to the characters, writing, or story-line. Having said that, I always try to be fair, honest, and polite when I review because that’s how I’m raised. But I also believe in different taste and approach in reading a story so I also expect people to respect my thoughts.

Find her on Goodreads & Twitter! Or take a look at her reviews!

Morgan –

I have been reading romances since I was 12 years old. Starting with those very sweet, very sappy YA books, then graduating to Harlequin and “adult novels”. I’ve been through pirate phases, Historicals, and paranormal phases. Then I found M/M and WOWEE! I am a huge convert. I still read M/F on rare occasion, but 99% of my reading is M/M. Paranormal is still my favorite subgenre (shifters especially). I am a fan of the angst and the sex and the fact that neither character has to be “the little woman”. I don’t shy away from insta-love and am a notorious sap. I love the idea of sharing great books with friends!

Take a look at her reviews!

Trish –

Hey Readers,  my name is Trish.  I’m happily married with 2 young daughters and 2 dogs.   I also work an amazing job teaching computer technology at my local libraries where I get to meet so many different types of people.     I live on the south shore of Long Island and we are lucky enough to live close to my immediate family.   We enjoy the beach and all things water related.    You’ll find me at the beach or poolside often, however, I am usually sitting in my beach chair under an umbrella and you guessed it….enjoying a book.    I may or may not have a cocktail in my other hand.    Even though my job requires a lot of knowledge with technology, we lean more toward a simple lifestyle.   Family, nature, animals and hanging out.    It’s a good life.

How did I end up reviewing books for The Blogger Girls?   I guess it was part of my journey because I’ve met the most amazing people.  There was an instant connection, which began years ago.   I joined an online reading community for a popular author’s books.   After a while, myself and many other readers got involved with a more private writing cooperative where I met JustJen.  We hit it off right away and here we are still friends, still reading and still reviewing  years later.

I enjoy reading many different types of books.  I mostly read M/M books of all genres; romance, mystery, contemporary, PNR and historical etc.   I am open to reading any book a friend recommends to me because those friends know my tastes and I trust they won’t steer me in the wrong direction.    With that being said, I do have hard limits.   No twincest/incest.     I also don’t read many books with heavy BDSM or YA.   I am not opposed to those genres but I definitely don’t go and search them out.

Lastly, my reviews will always come from my heart and I will tell fellow readers how a book made me feel.   I will give them my opinion about the book but I will not critique a book.    I am not a professional and I do not play one on the Internet.    In my opinion, reviews are relative to what the reader wants to get out of that book and those feelings are extremely subjective.    And because of that belief, when I search for a book to read, I will always peruse through both the positive and negative reviews.    What may be a negative for one reader may actually be a positive for me.

Thanks for reading my Bio and I hope you enjoy my reviews at The Blogger Girls.

Take a look at her reviews!