Posts Tagged With: Cowboy in the Crosshairs

Book Review: Cowboy in the Crosshairs by B.A. Tortuga

Reviewed by Nikyta

Title: Cowboy in the Crosshairs
Author: B.A. Tortuga
Series: Turquoise, New Mexico #1; Dreamspun Desires #53
Heroes: TJ & Wacey
Genre: M/M Contemporary
Length: 232 pages
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Release Date: March 6, 2018
Available at: Dreamspinner Press & Amazon
Add it to your shelf: Goodreads

Blurb: Once upon a time, a prince lived in a magical kingdom called Turquoise, New Mexico.

Well, really, TJ is a small-town police chief. Every Friday he holds court in the diner with the local holy roller, the art colonists, and the horsey people. But the Benes, who own the rodeo company, keep to themselves. TJ knows, because he was once hot and heavy with the oldest Bene son.

When Wacey Bene gets trampled by a remuda and comes home to heal, he’s none too happy to run into TJ, or his two little boys and their momma. The story might end there—if it wasn’t for some pesky bastard trying to kill Wacey.

The law steps in, and the townsfolk are cross about somebody messing with one of their own.

But once the bad guy is put away, can TJ and Wacey make their place in this wild and eccentric town a permanent one? Continue reading

Categories: 4 Star Ratings, Book Review, LGBT, Nikyta's Reviews, Published in 2018 | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment