Book Review: Tigers on the Run by Sean Kennedy

Reviewed by Susan65

1Title: Tigers on the Run
Author: Sean Kennedy
Series: Tigers and Devils #3
Heroes: Simon/Declan
Genre: MM Contemporary
Length: 260 Pages
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Release Date: July 13, 2015
Available at:  Amazon and Barnes & Noble
Add it to your shelf: Goodreads

Blurb: Young Australian Micah Johnson is the first AFL player to be out at the beginning of his career. Retired professional football player Declan Tyler mentors Micah, but he finds it difficult, as Micah is prone to making poor life choices that land him in trouble. Nothing Dec can’t handle. He’s been there, done that, more times than he’d like to admit. Being Simon Murray’s partner all these years has Dec quite experienced in long-suffering and mishaps.

As usual, Simon thinks everything is going along just fine until his assistant, Coby, tells him a secret involving an old nemesis. Simon and Dec’s problems mash together, and to solve them, they must undertake a thousand-kilometer round trip in which issues will have to be sorted out, apologies are finally given, and a runaway kid is retrieved and returned to his worried parents.


Review: I was really looking forward to this story because I could not recommend Tigers and Devils or Tigerland enough. I have an unhealthy love for Declan Tyler and Simon Murray and could not wait to get my fix. And then that ending left it wide open for another book. I hope I am not wrong about that, but really, there is no way it could end that way without another story on horizon.

Since this is book three, Simon and Dec are now in their 8th year as a committed couple. Life moved on and with it, the challenges that come to all couples: work, relationships, career moves, etc… Declan is a man that takes his role as an AFL mentor very seriously, and being the mentor to the first “out” AFL player is a ton more work than he expected. And a ton more stress added to his and Simon’s relationship.

Simon is still a tool. He has no filter and no apologies for the stuff that comes flying out of his mouth. Having your best friend hook up with, and have the gall to fall in love with, your worst enemy is more than he can stand. But, this is what is happening to our boys and the problems associated with both Simon and Dec come full circle, and includes everyone in their small circle.

I admit that I prefer to spend most of my time with just Simon and Dec, but seeing them thriving together, and seeing Simon mellowing was like looking into the future and realizing one of your favorite couples was making life and love work. It was nice, it was sweet, it was romantic, but I really wanted some extra spicy sex in the mix, too. I don’t always need sex in my book, and I don’t need a lot of it, but in this case, I would have preferred it had not been “faded to black’.

So, I give Tigers part III a thumbs up because really, you can never have enough of these guys. And knowing that another book is on the horizon makes my heart happy. Can’t wait to see what these boys get up to next….and what Nyssa has up her sleeve, too.

Overall Impression: I really liked it

*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in return for a fair and honest review.*


Categories: 4 Star Ratings, Book Review, LGBT, Published in 2015, Susan65's Reviews | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

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