Posts Tagged With: Ava March

Honorary Blogger Ava March: 5 Fun Facts about Convincing the Secretary


5 Fun Facts about Convincing the Secretary

by Ava March

  1. Grayson was originally named Alistair. As I was fleshing out the book’s concept, my very good friend, Cooper Davis, started working on a book with an Alistair. I didn’t want to be a copycat girl, so my Alistair became Grayson.
  2. I think of this as my ‘alphabet’ book. The heroes’ names are Edward Fenton and Grayson Holloway = EFGH. I didn’t realize this until months after #1 above. Then I wondered – was that unconsciously clever of me, or completely happenstance? I decided on happenstance, because I’m not that clever.  
  3. I gave Edward my ‘wandering mind in meetings’ tendency, then cranked it up and focused it on one person (Grayson). I mean really, who hasn’t allowed their mind to wander to inappropriate areas during boring meetings? Or maybe it’s just me.
  4. I outlined then did the research for this book, which almost got me into trouble. I’d planned for Edward and Gray to visit the National Gallery…yet the National Gallery didn’t open until 1824 (2 years after the book takes place). An evening of research yielded The Royal Academy as an alternative. A few minor plot tweaks later, and I was back on track with the book.
  5. Grayson wears spectacles. Silver framed spectacles, to be exact. Why is that a fun fact? Because I think glasses on a guy are hot 🙂


About Convincing the Secretary

27402675Business and pleasure is a mix no gentleman should consider.

Lord Grayson Holloway goes after what he wants—be it in the law office on his clients’ behalf or in the bedchamber. His new position as partner puts him closer to achieving his goal of becoming the most successful solicitor in London. There’s just one problem—his new secretary. Broad of shoulder yet mild of manner, Edward tempts Gray like no other. Yet the young man barely notices him.

Edward Fenton tries to be a good secretary, but being in Lord Grayson’s hard, commanding presence rouses Edward’s most forbidden desires. Wicked, naughty desires no gentleman should consider giving in to, let alone with his new employer.

Gray is more than willing to mix business with pleasure. But convincing Edward to take a chance on a future with him? That might be the most challenging case Gray has ever taken on.

Warning: Includes buttoned-up gentlemen who become undone, improper use of a desk, spankings, and a big bad lord who has a soft spot for his virgin secretary.

Available at: Samhain PublishingAmazon

Don’t forget to check out Heather C’s review of Convincing the Secretary to see what she thought of it!


About Ava March

Ava March is a bestselling author of sexy, emotionally intense M/M historical erotic romances. She loves writing in the Regency time period, where proper decorum is of the utmost importance, but where anything can happen behind closed doors. With over fifteen works to her credit, her books have been finalists in the Rainbow Awards and More Than Magic contest, and deemed ‘must-haves’ for Historical M/M romance by RT Book Reviews readers. Visit her website at to find out more about her books or to sign-up for her newsletter.

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Categories: Book Promo, Honorary Blogger Post, LGBT, Published in 2016 | Tags: , , , , | 1 Comment

Book Review: Convincing the Secretary by Ava March

Reviewed by Heather C

27402675Title: Convincing the Secretary
Author: Ava March
Series: London Legal #3
Heroes: Lord Grayson Holloway & Edward Fenton
Genre: MM Historical Romance
Length: 138 pages
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Release Date: March 8, 2016
Available at: Amazon
Add it to your shelf: Goodreads

Blurb: Business and pleasure is a mix no gentleman should consider.

London Legal, Book 3

Lord Grayson Holloway goes after what he wants—be it in the law office on his clients’ behalf or in the bedchamber. His new position as partner puts him closer to achieving his goal of becoming the most successful solicitor in London. There’s just one problem—his new secretary. Broad of shoulder yet mild of manner, Edward tempts Gray like no other. Yet the young man barely notices him.

Edward Fenton tries to be a good secretary, but being in Lord Grayson’s hard, commanding presence rouses Edward’s most forbidden desires. Wicked, naughty desires no gentleman should consider giving in to, let alone with his new employer. Gray is more than willing to mix business with pleasure. But convincing Edward to take a chance on a future with him? That might be the most challenging case Gray has ever taken on.

Product Warnings

Includes buttoned-up gentlemen who become undone, improper use of a desk, spankings, and a big bad lord who has a soft spot for his virgin secretary.

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Categories: 4.5 Star Ratings, Book Review, Heather C's Reviews, LGBT, Published in 2016 | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Book Review: Convincing Leopold by Ava March

Reviewed by Heather C

25071479Title: Convincing Leopold
Author: Ava March
Series: London Legal #2
Heroes: Leopold Thornton and Arthur Barrington
Genre: MM Historical Romance
Length: 111 pages
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Release Date: February 9, 2016 (re-release)
Available at: Amazon
Add it to your shelf: Goodreads

Blurb: Never get between a reformed rake and his lover.

London Legal, Book 2

Three months ago, Leopold Thornton gave up his old, indulgent lifestyle to follow the man he loves to London. But now that he and Arthur Barrington have settled down, doubts are creeping in.

Arthur is spending more and more time at his law office—with a handsome new secretary. And Arthur’s ex-lover wants him back. Desperate not to lose Arthur, Leopold resorts to the only trick he knows to convince him to stay—pleasure.

Arthur knew that life with Leopold would never be boring. But recently their evenings—and afternoons and mornings—have become decidedly more vigorous. Being with Leopold is amazing, but juggling demanding clients and a demanding lover leaves Arthur exhausted and worried perhaps he and Leopold aren’t suited after all.

As business keeps Arthur later and later at the office, Leopold’s demons begin to haunt him again. To heal their rift, Arthur will have to let go of his own past—and pull his lover back from the brink.

This title has been previously published.

Product Warnings
Includes a reformed bad boy who discovers a jealous streak, a solicitor who isn’t always so conservative, explicit male/male scenes in a variety of locations, a complete lack of inhibitions, and a generous heaping of angst.

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Categories: 3.5 Star Ratings, Book Review, Heather C's Reviews, LGBT, Published in 2016 | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Book Review: Convincing Arthur by Ava March

Reviewed by Heather C

convincing-arthurTitle: Convincing Arthur
Author: Ava March
Series: London Legal #1
Heroes: Leopold Thornton & Arthur Barrington
Genre: MM Historical Romance
Length: 85 pages
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Release Date: January 12, 2016
Available at: Amazon
Add it to your shelf: Goodreads

Blurb:  A holiday in the country to indulge his wildest fantasies…

London Legal, Book 1

Arthur Barrington knows exactly what he wants. A practical man. Someone who values discretion. Commitment. In other words, someone like himself. His old friend, Leopold Thornton, an overindulged son of a wealthy viscount with a reputation for vice and debauchery, couldn’t be less of a good candidate.

Yet when Leopold extends an invitation to his country estate, Arthur agrees. Perhaps a holiday with the sinfully beautiful man will help him get over a recent breakup. Then he can return to his thriving London law practice and resume his quiet life.

Ten years ago, Leopold learned the hard way that patience doesn’t always have its rewards. Now that he has Arthur all to himself, he isn’t going to let a second opportunity pass him by. And he certainly isn’t above using pleasure to tempt Arthur into his bed.

Leopold has only a few days to open Arthur’s eyes to the possibility that he’s the man Arthur is looking for. That his love is genuine—and he’s worthy of Arthur’s heart.

Product Warnings
Includes a gorgeous bad boy who’s been in love with a conservative solicitor for a decade. Indecent acts in a forest between two hot men. Angst. More explicit sex. And expectations turned upside down.

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Categories: 3.5 Star Ratings, Book Review, Heather C's Reviews, LGBT, Published in 2016 | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Book Review: Viscount’s Wager by Ava March

Reviewed by Heather C

18780071Title: Viscount’s Wager
Author: Ava March
Series: Gambling on Love #3
Heroes: Anthony Hawkins and Gabriel Tilden
Genre: MM Historical Romance
Length: 275 pages
Publisher: Carina Press
Release Date: August 10, 2015
Available at: Amazon
Add it to your shelf: Goodreads

Blurb: You never forget your first love, but is a second chance worth the gamble?

Anthony, Viscount Rawling, knows exactly what he wants in life and he isn’t above having a look about London for it. When he spots recently widowed Gabriel Tilden at a ton function, he thinks he might have found love…again.

Gabriel is as gorgeous and reserved as he was when he broke Anthony’s heart seven years ago. But they were only adolescents then…surely Anthony won’t hold the incident against him. And especially not when the attraction between them is stronger than ever.

Gabriel came to London in search of distraction, and a teasing Anthony is impossible to resist. As Anthony introduces Gabriel to the pleasures that can be found in the city—and in his bedchamber—their bond deepens into something more. Yet both men are hiding secrets that could pull them apart forever…
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Categories: 3.5 Star Ratings, Book Review, Heather C's Reviews, LGBT, Published in 2015 | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Giveaway Winners!

It’s time to pick some giveaway winners!


So, the winner of an ebook copy of Falling by Barbara Elsborg is… Continue reading

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A Blogger Girl Interview with Ava March + Giveaway

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Heather C:  For those who follow The Blogger Girls, they may have recognized that I’m pretty much the only one that reads and reviews historical romances. Any thoughts on how to convince readers that historicals are just as good as contemporaries? (For the record, you totally converted me with your Brook Street series)

Ava:  I think historicals are more fun than contemporaries because the reader gets to be transported to another time and place. It’s different than what people experience in everyday life. There were also no mobile phones, no TV, no cars. You couldn’t just call someone. If you liked someone, you had to spend time with him in person to get to know him better. As a result, historicals have just always felt more romantic to me.


Heather C:  If I remember correctly, all of your books have a Regency setting. Any plans to explore other time periods?

Ava:  Perhaps. I have an idea for a contemporary that has been nagging at me. We’ll see, though, if it ever gets written. Usually, if I get a contemporary idea, it quickly morphs into a historical. My muse must prefer historicals. But this idea hasn’t morphed yet. So maybe someday I’ll try my hand at a contemporary.


Heather C: From Afar is your one and only paranormal, any plans to continue that story into series? Or create other paranormal worlds?

Ava:  At this time, I don’t plan to continue From Afar into a series. I have ideas for additional stories set in that world, but I also have a long list of other story ideas. Invariably, when it has come time to decide on a next book to write, there’s been another story screaming louder at me to write it.


Heather C:  What kinds of research do you do when getting ready to start a new project?

Ava:  It depends on the story. Sometimes I need to do research ahead of time in order to nail down plot points. Other times, I’ll do research as I write the story.


Heather C:  What new things can we expect to see from you in 2015?

Ava:  Viscount’s Wager, the 3rd book in the Gambling on Love series, will be available in August, 2015. And later this year, I’m collaborating with Cooper Davis on a duology. My contribution will be a novella featuring Sam from Brook Street: Thief, and Cooper will be contributing a story set in her Noble Pleasures world.


Heather C:  Now I’m going to make you play favorites! Out of all the books you’ve written, please tell us your…Favorite Series?

Ava:  The Brook Street series. I adore all the guys in that series and how they each found love. And I particularly liked how most of the guys were friends and hung out together. I have an idea for a dinner party epilogue short story for them, and one of these days, I’ll get around to writing it.

Heather C:  …Favorite Book?

Ava:  This one varies with time. It was All In with the Duke for a while (because Max and Tristan – love their relationship), but lately, I’ve been super in love with Viscount’s Wager. I’m almost almost done writing the book, and I’m just loving how it has come together.

Heather C:  …Favorite Character?

Ava:  Leopold Thornton from Convincing Arthur and Convincing Leopold. He comes across as this gorgeous, unrepentant rakehell seeped in vice. Yet inside, he’s desperately in love with Arthur and terribly insecure. And he’s so drama. He was fun to write.

Heather C:  …Favorite Sex Scene?

Ava:  Oliver and Vincent’s first sex scene in Bound by Deception. I love the dynamics of the scene. Oliver’s excitement to finally be with the guy he’s loved for years coupled with the need to hide who he is and the surprise at finding out Vincent’s into some kinky play. Vincent starts off all ‘I’m in control’ alpha, but by the end of the scene, he’s showing signs of turning into a softie for Oliver.


Heather C:  One final question, just for fun. If you were thrown back into a historical time period, what is the one modern amenity you would have to take with you and why?

Ava:  Modern plumbing. It’s not an easy thing to take with you, but since we’re talking hypothetical, in my hypothetical world, I could wave my magic wand and bring modern plumbing with me when I travel back in time. Granted, by the late Regency, valves that could mix hot and cold water had been patented and were beginning to be put in use. Still, it wasn’t the same as the convenience of a full modern plumbing system. And since I’m bringing plumbing with me, I’d throw together a bag of my favorite shampoo, conditioner, and yummy smelling soaps and lotions. What would be the fun of having a big jetted tub in 1820 if you couldn’t slather on yummy smelling lotion when you got out?


About His Client

24647042Love wasn’t supposed to be part of the bargain… 

On every visit to Madame Delacroix’s brothel, Nathaniel Travers requests the same man. Stunningly handsome and highly skilled, Jasper not only shares Nate’s fondness for wickedly erotic games and black leather corsets, but he has become a trusted confidant. And Jasper’s the only person who knows Nate longs for a committed relationship with his childhood friend, Peter Edmonton.

Unrequited love hurts, but it hurts even more when the object of affection is in love with another. Jasper Reed has been working at Delacroix’s for a decade. He’s saved enough to retire, yet he remains at the decadent London brothel. Leaving would mean leaving Nate and the hope someday the rugged gentleman would stop pining for his best friend and realize he loves Jasper, just as Jasper loves him.

Edmonton’s impending marriage looms before them, causing Jasper to take another look at his stubborn heart. Yet Jasper’s a bastard whore, and Nate’s the nephew of a viscount. Surely there can’t be any hope for them…

Note: This is a previously published work. This second edition has been edited with minor changes. For readers who purchased the original edition, this second edition is not substantially different.

Amazon | iBooks | Barnes & Noble  Kobo | GoodReads


About Ava March

Ava March is a bestselling author of sexy, emotionally intense M/M historical erotic romances. She loves writing in the Regency time period, where proper decorum is of the utmost importance, but where anything can happen behind closed doors. With over fifteen works to her credit, her books have been finalists in the Rainbow Awards and More Than Magic contest, and deemed ‘must-haves’ for Historical M/M romance by RT Book Reviews readers. Visit her website at to find out more about her books or to sign-up for her newsletter.

Connect with Ava online at:  Blog | Goodreads | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest



Ava has graciously offered up one ebook copy of His Client to one lucky winner!! (Gifted via Amazon, Apple, or Barnes and Noble)  The giveaway starts now and ends April 15, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. To enter, just click the link below AND tell us about your FAVORITE HISTORICAL ROMANCE!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Please be aware that the only way to enter the giveaway is to click the Rafflecopter link above. Any comments on this post will not count towards entering the giveaway, except to verify your Rafflecopter entry.

Good luck!

Categories: Book Promo, Giveaways, Honorary Blogger Post, LGBT, Published in 2015 | Tags: , , , , | 15 Comments

Pride Week Blitz with Carina Press: Excerpts + Giveaway!

Sharp Love by Ava March

Sharp Love (Gambling on Love, #2)London, 1822

William Drake has lived among thieves, bastards and beggars all his life, doing what’s necessary to survive. As a young orphan, that included looking after his best friend, Jack Morgan. But as they grew older, Jack took the honest path, leaving Will behind to fend for himself the only ways he knows how.

When an unsavory errand for his employer brings Jack back to London’s underbelly, he needs Will’s help. It’s there, among the alleys they ran through as children, that the love he’s always felt for Will returns. As their nights together grow hotter, Will discovers something new about his old friend—Jack’s need to serve extends into the bedchamber.

Will has never fully abandoned his dream of escaping London with Jack. But what could the Duke’s driver want with a dishonest cheat like him, beyond a bit of rough sex? It takes the gamble of Will’s life to find out if he can win Jack’s heart…

You can find Sharp Love at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Goodreads.

Check out Heather C’s review!

Excerpt from Sharp Love

The sky opened up, the intermittent raindrops shifting to a full-fledged deluge in the blink of an eye.

A quick glance confirmed what he already knew—closed shops and darkened buildings, not a single tavern or hell within easy distance. Cold rain pelted Jack’s head, soaking his hair. And Will wasn’t wearing an overcoat.

Grabbing Will’s upper arm, Jack pulled him down a narrow alley. Pushed Will onto a small stone stoop, the short overhang above the door enough to provide a bit of protection for Will from the full force of the rain. Standing before Will, Jack used his body to shield Will from the gusts of windblown rain.

Lightning cracked across the sky, briefly illuminating Will’s face, his wet hair stuck to his forehead, pale cheeks glistening with raindrops. A self-deprecating smile tugged the edge of his lips. “Guess you were correct.”

“About what?” Jack asked, raising his voice to be heard above the din of the storm.

“The rain.”

Said rain smacked against Jack’s back. His greatcoat would keep him relatively dry, but he could feel the rain whipping around him. He unbuttoned his greatcoat, let the sides hang open, and bracing his arms on the old wooden door, he moved closer to Will. So close he could feel Will’s breaths against his jaw. Warm and moist, the rhythm deep yet slightly quick.

Arousal curled in the pit of his belly, ignited in his blood. Jack shifted his weight. “Shouldn’t last long. The rain, I mean.” Rain in London was a common enough occurrence, but storms of this magnitude didn’t last endless hours. The clouds would wear themselves out soon enough, and the rain would taper down to a steady, soaking drone. As soon as it showed the first signs of slowing, Jack would be dragging Will back to the hotel. And he didn’t much care if it meant running down the street. Anything to give him an excuse to step away from Will’s body, from those hot breaths bathing his jaw, tempting him to dip his head and press his lips to Will’s.

“You’re likely correct. Yet again.” There wasn’t a trace of sarcasm or jest. Will’s voice was just loud enough to reach Jack’s ears, and the low, intimate quality went straight to Jack’s cock.

There was a quick snap of lightning, followed by a clap of thunder. Will shifted even closer, moving full into the protection of Jack’s greatcoat, pressing up against Jack. A hard arch brushed Jack’s upper thigh.

Jack’s breaths caught. There was no mistake about it. Will was aroused.

A hand settled on Jack’s hip. Jack swore he could feel the heat of Will’s palm through his trousers and his smallclothes, warming his skin.

He held himself perfectly still. Locked his muscles and dared not make a move.

About Ava March

Ava March is an author of sexy, emotionally intense M/M historical erotic romances. She loves writing in the Regency time period, where proper decorum is of the utmost importance, but where anything can happen behind closed doors. With over fifteen works to her credit, her books have been finalists in the Rainbow Awards and More Than Magic contest, and deemed ‘must-haves’ for Historical M/M romance by RT Book Reviews readers. Visit her website at to find out more about her books or to sign-up for her newsletter.

You can find Ava on her Blog, Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest.


The Lost Year by Libby Drew

The Lost Year (Secrets of Neverwood, #3)Devon McCade is no stranger to adversity. As a photojournalist, he’s seen all manner of human struggle. And as a kid, it’s what brought him to Neverwood, to his foster mother Audrey. It’s what he’s facing now, as he and his foster brothers work to restore the once-stately mansion amidst surprising signs from Audrey herself.

But when another anguished soul arrives at Neverwood, Devon can’t hide behind his camera. Nicholas Hardy is certain he saw his runaway son, Robbie, in a photo Devon took of homeless children. Devon knows all too well that a young teenager on the streets doesn’t have many options—and Robbie has been missing for a full year.

Searching for Robbie with Nicholas stirs memories and passions Devon had thought long lost, yet knowing that Nicholas will leave as soon as Robbie is found keeps him from opening himself up to something permanent. Devon must learn to fight for what he wants to keep—his love, and his home.

You can find The Lost Year at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Goodreads.

About Libby Drew

Libby glimpsed her true calling when her first story, an A.A. Milne /Shakespeare crossover, won the grand prize in her elementary school’s fiction contest. Her parents explained that writers were quirky, poor, and often talked to themselves in supermarket checkout lines. They implored her to be practical, a request she took to heart for twenty years, earning two degrees, a white-collar job, and an ulcer, before realizing that practical was absolutely no fun.

Today she lives with her husband and four children in an old, impractical house and writes stories about redemption, the supernatural, and love at first sight, all of which do exist. She happens to know from experience.

Libby’s State of Mind received rave reviews for being fast, clever, and relentless and was nominated for a Bookie Award for Best M/M Novel of 2011. 40 Souls to Keep, Libby’s third novel, has been described as intense and heart-poundingly good and was praised by Publishers Weekly for maintaining a high level of suspense.

An avid supporter of gay rights, Libby donates her time to the Trevor Project and organizations that work to support marriage equality.

More information about Libby’s books can be found on her website:


Maybe This Time by A.M. Arthur

Maybe This TimeAs a regular at gay hotspot Pot O Gold, Ezra Kelley avoids his tangled emotions with the simplicity of one-night stands and attachment-free hookups. Until the night bartender Donner Davis picks him up off the floor after a misunderstanding and too much tequila. Ezra can’t remember the last time someone was…nice. It’s more than he deserves.

Witnessing his lover’s death two years ago has Donner trapped in a holding pattern: living in his sister’s basement, working at the Pot and flirting with the customers. He’s not above spending a night with the gorgeous Ezra, but love is not in the cards. That’s more than he’s ready for.

A passionate night leads to a connection neither man expects, and they take the first steps to something that looks like a real relationship. But Ezra’s been running from himself so long he doesn’t know how to live any other way. And Donner can’t risk his heart just to lose everything again. They’ll both need the strength to let go of the past if they want to get it right this time.

You can find Maybe This Time at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Goodreads.

Excerpt from Maybe This Time

[Ezra] listened to the footsteps on the stairs moving closer, getting louder, timing it so he whipped open the door with Donner’s knuckles poised to knock. Donner still wore his black leather pants and shiny green shirt, but he’d washed his face free of eyeliner and lip gloss.

“Hey,” Donner said. His hand dropped. His other was clutching the strap of a backpack that looked as old as dirt and ready to fall apart.

“Come in.” Ezra stepped aside and let him enter. “I should warn you, they’re at it already.”

“Huh?” Donner glanced at the living room. “Oh, I see.”

“Do you mind?”

“Not a bit. I’ve seen more risqué things at the Pot, believe me.”

“You’ll have to tell me all about it sometime.”

“Sure thing.”

“Want something to drink?”

“No, I’m fine.”

Ezra’s mind raced for something clever or sexy to say. He’d looked forward to this all night, and now that Donner was in his apartment, he was fumbling like an idiot. This was not him.

“Oh, hey!” Alessandro sat up and twisted his head around. The position made him sway a little. “Look, babe, Dasher’s here.”

“Donner,” Jaime said. He wrestled out from beneath his boyfriend, shirt rucked up to his armpits. “Hey, you made it.”

“Dude, what’s your first name?”

Jaime knuckled Alessandro in the shoulder. “Shut up. You’re drunk.”


“Ignore him,” Ezra said to Donner. “Actually, feel free to ignore both of them.”

Donner chuckled. “They’re pretty entertaining, if you ask me.”

“Wait until they start showing off.”

“Forget it.” Alessandro started tugging Jaime toward the spare bedroom. “He’s all mine tonight, amigo. You’ve got your own date.”

Jaime managed a faux-helpless shrug as he allowed himself to be manhandled into the bedroom. The door shut with a solid bang that made Ezra jump. Then he snickered. So much for manners. He understood the sentiment, though. He didn’t much feel like sharing Donner with anyone else.

Strong arms slid around his waist from behind and laced fingers across his belly. A solid chest and abs pressed against his back and ass, and breath tickled his ear. The hold was loose, the intentions clear. “You want to fuck me, don’t you?” Donner whispered, mouth hovering close to his left ear.

Ezra shivered.

About A.M. Arthur

A.M. Arthur was born and raised in the same kind of small town that she likes to write about, a stone’s throw from both beach resorts and generational farmland.  She’s been creating stories in her head since she was a child and scribbling them down nearly as long, in a losing battle to make the fictional voices stop.  She credits an early fascination with male friendships (bromance hadn’t been coined yet back then) and “The Young Riders” with her later discovery of and subsequent love affair with m/m romance stories.

When not exorcising the voices in her head, she toils away in a retail job that tests her patience and gives her lots of story fodder.  She can also be found in her kitchen, pretending she’s an amateur chef and trying to not poison herself or others with her cuisine experiments.

Contact her at with your cooking tips (or book comments). You can also find her online, as well as on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook. Other titles by A.M. Arthur are available from Samhain Publishing, Dreamspinner Press, and Musa Publishing.


Stranger on the Shore by Josh Lanyon

Stranger on the ShoreTwenty years ago young Brian Arlington, heir to Arlington fortune, was kidnapped. Though the ransom was paid, the boy was never seen again and is presumed dead. Pierce Mather, the family lawyer, now administers and controls the Arlington billions. He’s none too happy, and more than a little suspicious, when investigative journalist Griffin Hadley shows up to write about the decades-old mystery. Griff shrugs off the coldly handsome Pierce’s objections, but it might not be so easy to shrug off the objections of someone willing to do anything to keep the past buried.

You can find Stranger on the Shore at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Goodreads.

About Josh Lanyon

Bestselling, multi-award-winning JOSH LANYON is the author of over fifty titles of mystery, adventure, fantasy and romance. Josh is the author of the critically acclaimed Adrien English Mysteries series, including The Hell You Say, winner of the 2006 USABookNews awards for GLBT Fiction. Josh is an Eppie Award winner and a three-time Lambda Literary Award finalist. When not writing Josh enjoys gardening, film noir, fine wine, vintage mysteries, and night swimming.


In this blog tour, there will be TWO winners. Each winner with get eBook copies of each of the four books featured in this blitz along with a rainbow bracelet! The giveaway is opened internationally and ends July 1st, 2014. To enter, just click the link below!

Rafflecopter Giveaway

Please be aware that the only way to enter the giveaway is to click the Rafflecopter link above. Any comments on this post will not count towards entering the giveaway but are still be welcome anyway.

Good luck!

Categories: Book Promo, Excerpts, Giveaways, LGBT, Published in 2014 | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Giveaway Winners!

It’s time to find out who the winners of the Sharp Love by Ava March and Son of a Fish by Kenzie Cade giveaways!

Sharp Love 200x300

And the winner of an eBook copy of Sharp Love by Ava March is… Continue reading

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Honorary Blogger Ava March: A Series Kind of Gal + Giveaway

Heather C:  Ava March is here at TBG today telling us all about why she loves writing series, and also giving away an ebook copy of her new release Sharp Love, the second book in her Gambling on Love series.



A Series Kind of Gal 

by Ava March

I love series books. I just can’t help it. I’m a sucker for them. My favorite type of series to read is a related series, with a different h/h in each book. I love revisiting characters and meeting new ones, all in the same book. I love reading a book and wondering ‘will he get his own book??’, and then when he does get his own book? Oh, that’s like reader-Christmas. 

But as a writer, I was drawn to direct series (which feature the same h/h) for quite a while. I’d fall in love with a pair and I wanted to keep revisiting them. To keep telling their story. And romance heroes…they always have more story in them. There’s always more drama to be found on the horizon, more obstacles to overcome. Poor guys – I’d leave them happy then shake things up again for them. 

A couple years ago though, I got an idea for a related series (the Brook Street Trilogy). And it was quite fun to write. So much fun, that when I finished that series, I started a new related series. All the things I love as a reader of related series, I get to indulge in as an author. I leave a pair happy at the end of a book, and I can let them pop up in another book and they can still be happy. No need to inflict drama on the guys just so I can see them again. I can set up a world and keep returning to it for a few books. And the most fun of all? When an interesting secondary character pops up on the page, I’m not left in suspense wondering if he’ll get his own. I can write him a book and give him his own HEA. 

My newest release, Sharp Love, is #2 in the Gambling on Love series. It’s smack-dab in the middle of the series. So of course I took the opportunity to visit with Max and Tristan, the heroes of the 1st book, All In with the Duke. And the heroes of the 3rd book get a bit of page time as well. I’m having such a blast writing this series, that I do believe I am officially converted. I’ve become a related-series kind of author. 

What about you? What is your preferred type of series to read – direct or related? And if you have any recommendations for favorite series, do give them a shout-out. I’m always on the look-out for a new series to read. 


About  Sharp Love (Gambling on Love #2)

Sharp Love 200x300William Drake has lived among thieves, bastards and beggars all his life, doing what’s necessary to survive. As a young orphan, that included looking after his best friend, Jack Morgan. But as they grew older, Jack took the honest path, leaving Will behind to fend for himself the only ways he knows how.

When an unsavory errand for his employer brings Jack back to London’s underbelly, he needs Will’s help. It’s there, among the alleys they ran through as children, that the love he’s always felt for Will returns. As their nights together grow hotter, Will discovers something new about his old friend—Jack’s need to serve extends into the bedchamber.

Will has never fully abandoned his dream of escaping London with Jack. But what could the Duke’s driver want with a dishonest cheat like him, beyond a bit of rough sex? It takes the gamble of Will’s life to find out if he can win Jack’s heart…

Available from: Carina Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Barnes and Noble | iBooks | ARe


About Ava March

Ava March is an author of sexy, emotionally intense M/M historical erotic romances. She loves writing in the Regency time period, where proper decorum is of the utmost importance, but where anything can happen behind closed doors. With over fifteen works to her credit, her books have been finalists in the Rainbow Awards and More Than Magic contest, and deemed ‘must-haves’ for Historical M/M romance by RT Book Reviews readers. Visit her website at to find out more about her books or to sign-up for her newsletter.

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Ava has kindly offered up an ebook copy of Sharp Love for this giveaway to one lucky winner!

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Don’t forget to check out Heather C’s review of Sharp Love to see what she thought of it!

Good luck!

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