Audio Review: In Too Deep by Kate Sherwood

Reviewed by Morgan 

InTooDeepAUDMEDTitle: In Too Deep
Author: Kate Sherwood
Narrator: K.C. Kelly
Series: In Too Deep #1
Heroes: Aiden/Cade
Genre: MM Contemporary
Length: 8 hours, 29 minutes
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Release Date: August 12, 2015
Available at: Amazon, Audible and iTunes
Add it to your shelf: Goodreads


Blurb: At first glance, Cade and Aiden hardly seem like a match made in heaven. Their worlds couldn’t be further apart. Cade is quiet, serious, and determined to succeed; Aiden’s a party-loving frat boy. Cade comes from a rough home and worked hard to get the scholarships that make it possible for him to attend college; Aiden’s had it all thrown in his lap by supportive, kind, and wealthy parents. Cade wants nothing to do with Aiden, but from the moment they meet, Aiden is determined to find a way to bring their different worlds together.

Aiden manages to persuade Cade he’s a decent guy, and a tentative friendship becomes much more. But a trip to Aiden’s family cottage puts Cade in the path of a ghost from his past, and a dark secret he never expected to face again. Cade did what he had to do to escape his dead-end life, but now he sees he didn’t leave it as far behind him as he thought.


Review – Book: Aiden is the rich kid with all the advantages that life can provide, the golden boy, but really – he’s a great guy with a big heart. He sees Cade and finds the figure who skulks about on campus intriguing and sets about getting to know him better.

What he finds out, he likes. Cade doesn’t make it easy, though. He’s got some pretty big secrets (he paid for college turning tricks) that he doesn’t want to get out and it’s affected his view on life, love, sex and relationships.

Most of the book is the very slow build-up of Aiden earning Cade’s trust and breaking through to the real man behind the mystery. When Cade finally lets Aiden in the chemistry is powerful and the emotions are, too.

But… of course there is that moment when everything is looking wonderful when something has to come along and ruin it… in this case, it’s a blast from the past and Cade is sent running, sure nobody would want him with his history.

Luckily, Aiden is made from sterner stuff than that, and after some soul searching, he decides he won’t let the best thing to ever happen to him slip through his fingers.


These boys! Yum! They were so hot together but also really sweet and tender. They are very young, but Cade especially, has lived a life far more than his years would presume to define.

I was surprised by some of the twists in this story. Aiden’s family really surprised me. I was so proud of his mom!

The fact that there was this ugly history and Aiden’s gut reaction to it wasn’t glossed over or made to seem insignificant, but was really dealt with from both perspectives, Cade’s and Aiden’s.

(I just love the cover – don’t you want to just reach out and hug Cade?!)

Review – Audio:

KC Kelly did an amazing job with this. He really added to my overall enjoyment by giving such a nice voice to the emotions in the story. Though the two MCs didn’t really have much differentiation, it was easy to tell who was talking. I loved listening to the narration, especially when he does the dialog. He’s so good at making you feel like you are involved in a real conversation.

I highly recommend both the book and the narration.

Overall Impression: It was amazing

*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in return for a fair and honest review.*

Categories: 5 Star Ratings, Audio Review, Guest Reviewer, LGBT, Published in 2015 | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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