Posts Tagged With: Undercover Addiction

Honorary Blogger Hayley B. James: Inspiration from the Emerald City + Excerpt & Giveaway!


Inspiration from the Emerald City

by Hayley B. James

Thanks for having me! Today I want to discuss the setting of Undercover Addiction which happens to be one of my favorite cities—Seattle, Washington.

I have many friends in the great state of Washington, and I take advantage of their hospitality to visit at least once a year. The overcast weather is perfect for this desert gal that sees over 300 days of sunshine a year. I really enjoy Washington and I also think researching crime statistics is fun, so when I realized Seattle (and the surrounding area) has a bit of a human trafficking problem, I started playing around with using it for Undercover Addiction. When I first started planning a “sequel” I wanted to move the boys from Las Vegas, but I wasn’t sure where. Chicago was researched (it was mentioned in Sins once or twice), but Seattle worked much better for the plot I had outlined and for my research capabilities. And I might also be biased because I seriously love Washington.

Pike Place Market is a location Connor and Riley visit more than once, and Riley lives in the Fifteen Twenty-One Second Avenue luxury condominium building across from the Market. I’ve been to the tourist attraction a few times and it is quite crowded. The crowds work in Connor’s favor in the novel, but gave me claustrophobia. The condominium was one of a few I researched for Riley’s home. Another I discovered was used in 50 Shades of something, and I wanted to avoid anything related to that. The chosen condo has a better location for plot reasons and I’m a bit more familiar with the area. Plus, the idea of walls made of windows while Riley and Connor enjoy private moments was too hot to pass up.

Have you visited Seattle or Washington State? Does anyone else enjoy visiting it as much as me? I’m returning in December so leave any suggestions for touristy stops you might have. Leave a comment here or tweet me.


About Undercover Addiction

7Working Vice for the Seattle PD, Connor Bishop’s favorite part of the job is going undercover. His current assignment is to get close to Riley Drapeau, a human trafficker backed into a corner by the FBI and turned informant. Connor needs to milk him for information on his organization, but while doing so, sees an entirely different Riley than he expected.

Caught off balance, Connor relies heavily on Lucas, his outside man and only link to the real world, but he gets sucked in by Riley and his attempt to clear his name and prove his partners fabricated evidence to frame him.

Up to his eyeballs in the dark world of trafficking, Connor finds it easier to believe Riley than what the FBI is saying, especially when a leak is uncovered within the Bureau. The choices Connor has to make become even more difficult when Lucas admits he has feelings for him and promises a safe life far from harm. But Connor can’t deny the only man he wants to be with is Riley. Which forces him to decide if his addiction to the dangerous side of life can include loving a criminal.

Available at: Dreamspinner Press, Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Don’t forget to check out Susan65’s review of Undercover Addiction to see what she thought of it!!


An Excerpt from Undercover Addiction

Connor pushed Riley’s hand away, relieved when Riley allowed it. “I want to work with Evan and the FBI, but I don’t know if I can rely on you to not get me killed.”

“I don’t think you need to rely on anyone to survive.” Riley smiled gently, and Connor was almost fooled by the sweet expression. “You’ll be as safe as you want to be.”

Connor scoffed. “Don’t talk to me with riddles.”

Riley stepped forward, forcing Connor to move backward. Riley put a hand on Connor’s hip to prevent him escaping further. “If I wanted you dead, you would be dead,” he whispered against Connor’s neck.

A shiver from the soft touch of his breath rolled down Connor’s back. Connor opened his mouth to reply, but he couldn’t find his voice. Not with Riley so close, and not with Riley’s lips ghosting across his neck.

“I hope to see more of you, Connor.” Riley pressed his mouth against Connor’s pulse point.

Connor held strong against a wave of pleasure crashing into him. He reminded himself of the type of monster Riley was, but his skin prickled with desire anyway. Riley pulled back and whispered, “Tell me I’ll see you again.”

Connor swallowed hard. He realized he had wrapped his fingers around the front of Riley’s suit. He loosened his grip on the fabric. “You’ll see me again,” he said without emotion.

Riley touched his cheek. “I want you.”

Connor fought against the rising desire. Riley not only sold human bodies, but he broke their souls apart to force compliancy. Connor had seen it happen. He knew what type of evil Riley had to be. Sleeping with a stranger from a bar, ignorant to his true self, was forgivable, but falling victim to Riley’s burning touch was not.

“No.” Connor turned his head to escape Riley’s fingers lightly sweeping his jawline. “You need to leave.”

Riley took Connor’s jaw in his hand and Connor locked his gaze with Riley’s. The display of power gave Connor a jolt of adrenaline. He liked dancing with danger. Knowing Riley could kill him in that moment and leave undetected was a type of excitement Connor hated himself for enjoying.


About Hayley B. James

Hayley B. James is a lifelong resident of New Mexico with no plans to pack up and leave just yet. Writing is her part-time job and full-time hobby. She works in a small office during the day and lives in her written worlds at night.

When she isn’t writing, Hayley is reading m/m romance, mystery, real-life crime, fantasy, and yaoi novels, and can be found cruising Tumblr and webcomics. She may or may not have an unhealthy obsession with police officers. It’s still up for debate.

Find out more about Hayley on her Blog, Twitter, Facebook or email her at


Leave a comment to this post and get a chance to be the lucky winner of a marvelous goodie pack!!

The Goodie pack includes – A paperback copy of Undercover Addiction, Seattle-themed Mug, WA-made truffles and a magnet!

Hayley B. James will be touring through different blogs – the tour schedule is mentioned below. Follow this blog tour and leave your thoughts to her posts in order to increase your chances of winning!

Contest Deadline Date: 23rd November, 2014

Tour Schedule:

17th Nov. – Andrew Q. Gordon’s “The Land of Make Believe”

18th Nov. – GGR-Reviews & MM Good Book Reviews

19th Nov. – Prism Book Alliance

20th Nov. – The Blogger Girls & Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews

21st Nov. – Love Bytes Reviews

22nd Nov.- The Novel Approach

Blog Tour Banner

Categories: Book Promo, Excerpts, Giveaways, Honorary Blogger Post, LGBT, Published in 2014 | Tags: , , , | 19 Comments

Book Review: Undercover Addiction by Hayley B. James

Reviewed by Susan65

7Title: Undercover Addiction
Author: Hayley B. James
Series: Secret Sin #2
Heroes: Connor Bishop/Riley Drapeau
Genre: MM Contemporary
Length: 240 Pages
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Release Date: October 20, 2014
Available at: Dreamspinner Press, Amazon and Barnes & Noble
Add it to your shelf: Goodreads

Blurb: Working Vice for the Seattle PD, Connor Bishop’s favorite part of the job is going undercover. His current assignment is to get close to Riley Drapeau, a human trafficker backed into a corner by the FBI and turned informant. Connor needs to milk him for information on his organization, but while doing so, sees an entirely different Riley than he expected.

Caught off balance, Connor relies heavily on Lucas, his outside man and only link to the real world, but he gets sucked in by Riley and his attempt to clear his name and prove his partners fabricated evidence to frame him.

Up to his eyeballs in the dark world of trafficking, Connor finds it easier to believe Riley than what the FBI is saying, especially when a leak is uncovered within the Bureau. The choices Connor has to make become even more difficult when Lucas admits he has feelings for him and promises a safe life far from harm. But Connor can’t deny the only man he wants to be with is Riley. Which forces him to decide if his addiction to the dangerous side of life can include loving a criminal.
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Categories: 4.5 Star Ratings, Book Review, LGBT, Published in 2014, Susan65's Reviews | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment