Honorary Blogger JB Sanders: Inspiration for Glen & Tyler + Giveaway

Nikyta: If you’ve been following along, you’ll have noticed that I’ve been catching up on my Glen & Tyler books. If you haven’t read them yet, well, shame on you because they’re a lot of fun and very fast-paced! In honor of the third book, Glen & Tyler’s Paris Double-Cross, coming out in audiobook soon, JB Sanders has stopped by today to talk a little about the boys and his inspiration towards them…


Inspiration for Glen & Tyler

by JB Sanders

The inspiration for the Glen & Tyler stories comes in three parts.

The first part is in the form of a couple of guys I stumbled across on FaceBook, amateur hockey players, who had made their relationship status “married”. I suspect it was some kind of sophomoric stunt, or perhaps a prank on each other, but it gave me an idea for a story.

The second part has been a long time percolating. I’ve read a lot of gay literature, running the gamut from mainstream fiction to indie-published stuff, and an even larger amount of regular “straight”fiction. Time and time again, I read stories where the gay characters have a relationship that invariably ends in tragedy. I call this the Gay Doom, and at the point where I start writing the Glen & Tyler story, I nearly threw the book I was reading across the room. It had a prime example of the Gay Doom, made especially painful because the book itself was (otherwise) so well written, and the author had made characters that I really cared about.

Anyway, I rode that anger into a short story, which morphed into a book.

The third part is a little more upbeat than the other two. It has nothing particularly to do with gay or straight relationships. It has everything to do with married couples, and how so many books I read, in any genre you care to mention, have two main characters who dance around each other romantically, but never quite get there. We never see them in a long-term stable relationship solving crimes, saving the galactic empire, or stopping Doc Evil. Quick, how many married couples can you mention who have had their own TV show or movie (sitcoms don’t count)? Other than “Hart to Hart”, a show from the 80’s which helps me show my age, I’m pretty hard pressed to name even one.

So the third part is actually a big part of the Glen & Tyler books. They’re a happily married couple, going out there and having adventures. It really strikes me as odd that there isn’t more of that out there. I mean, the possibilities for comedy are huge!


About Glen & Tyler’s Paris Double-Cross

Glen & Tyler's Paris Double-cross (Glen & Tyler #3)

Glen and Tyler are young, in love, and the wealthiest human beings on the planet.  But when Glen’s brother calls from a jail in Paris, you guessed it, they’re off to France to tangle with spies, neo-Nazis, evil world-spanning conspiracies and French gangsters. Plus they have a romantic dinner, and find long-lost treasure. Really, it’s a fun-filled non-stop romp.

In this third installment of the Glen & Tyler series, we meet up with our heroes a couple of years after their Scottish Troubles, a little more world-weary, a little wiser and no less sarcastic.

Available at: LuluAmazon & Barnes and Noble


About JB Sanders

JB SandersThe author lives with an imaginary cat, and works in computer support (you know, the day job), all in Upstate New York. He divides his time between writing humorous suspense novels, reading science fiction and urban fantasy, absorbing too much British TV (or as his roommate would say “those crappy BBC mysteries”), pondering why he didn’t write a scifi or fantasy novel, and his various hobbies. No, reading isn’t a hobby. It’s more like a vocation. The author also wonders how people get away with talking about themselves in the third person this way. It’s awkward. [cough]

You can reach JB and his books on his Website, BlogAmazon, Lulu, Facebook or Goodreads.


With the third installment of Glen & Tyler coming out in audiobook, JB Sanders has graciously offered to give away an eBook set of the Glen & Tyler novels to one lucky winner (three books in total)!

The giveaway starts now and will end next Saturday, May 3rd, 2014, at 11:59 pm EST. After which the lucky winner will be randomly picked.

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment below with your email address and you’re in!

Make sure to follow the blog for the winner’s announcement post or check back next Sunday, May 4th, 2014, to see if you’ve won.

Don’t forget to check out Nikyta’s review of Glen & Tyler’s Paris Double-Cross to see what she thought of it! You can also buy your own copies of the Glen & Tyler series at Amazon.

Good luck!

Categories: Book Promo, Giveaways, Honorary Blogger Post, LGBT | Tags: , , | 8 Comments

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8 thoughts on “Honorary Blogger JB Sanders: Inspiration for Glen & Tyler + Giveaway

  1. This look like a fun romantic comedy with action, adventure and snark. Thanks for sharing about the upcoming release and for the chance to win a copy! I haven’t read any of the books in this series yet but I’d love to!

  2. Penumbra

    I love funny stories and this series sounds fun. Count me in please 🙂


  3. Barbra

    These books sound like something I NEED!! Sometimes I’ve had it with angst and need something fun. Thanks for the giveaway. 🙂

  4. Sadonna

    I already have these books and I love them so please don’t enter me in the contest 😀 I’m thinking about getting the audio books. I can only imagine how fun it will be to listen to their adventures on my boring commute into the city 😀

  5. Loren

    Please count me in thank you mevalem258ATgmailDOTcom

  6. Lisa G

    This series looks like fun! How have I not heard of these already? Thanks for cluing me in. Really looking forward to reading them.

  7. By the way, the audiobook for Glen & Tyler’s Paris Double-cross finally (FINALLY!) made it to “store shelves”. No idea what took so long, but it’s here now!


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